Hampshire Microlight Flying Club
Flying In The UK Services > Flying Clubs And Schools > South East
Hampshire Microlight Flying Club

The best way to find out more is to join us at our monthly meeting:
- When: First Tuesday of every month.
- Where: The White Horse (Pub with no Name), Priors Dean,Hampshire,
GU32 1DA Tel: 01420 588387 Web: www.pubwithnoname.co.uk
This is where the events of the past are digested and the future planned. The common thread is the love of flying!
We look forward to flying with or meeting you!
Contact: Sandra Reid via Mobile
Address:16 Fairfield Square Cosham, Portsmouth, Hampshire PO6 3JS
Telephone: 01705 640122 01705 632319 Mob: 07711 150309
Website: www.hmfclub.com